WEH® Service Receptacle TNS10 H₂ for discharging hydrogen fuel tanks, no self-service, 1.6 MPa


Vehicles running on hydrogen have to be serviced and checked regularly. To achieve this, it is necessary to discharge all pressure vessels resp. fuel tanks. The WEH® TNS10 H2 Service Receptacle has been designed for this specific purpose.

It is mounted on the body panel of the hydrogen vehicle and enables easy discharging of the fuel tank.

We recommend that the WEH® TNS10 H2 Service receptacle is used with the WEH® TW110 H2 Service connector. The TW110 H2 needs only to be placed onto the service receptacle and discharging can commence. After discharging, the service nozzle can be disconnected.

Diametro nominale (DN)
6 mm
Campo di pressione
PN = 1,6 MPa | PS = 2 MPa
Campo di temperatura
-40 °C fino a +85 °C
Ingresso B1
UN 11/16"-16 maschio per tenuta a O-Lok® Face Seal per tubo Ø 10 (3/8"),
Face Seal secondo SAE J1453
Acciaio inox antiruggine
Materiali delle guarnizioni
Restistenti al idrogeno
Incl. bulkhead fitting and protection cap
  • Incl. protection cap
  • Scarico silenzioso
  • Tipo costruttivo salvaguarnizioni

Service receptacle for discharging hydrogen fuel tanks.
Operation only by specially trained service personnel. Not for self-service operation!
Attention: The TNS10 H2 may not be used for filling!

Note: The TNS10 H2 may only be used in connection with a suitable locking device or shut-off valve (e.g. ball valve)!

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