WEH® Breakaway Coupling TSA1 H₂ - Product family

  • for car fueling stations
  • for direct installation at the dispenser

The WEH® TSA1 H2 Breakaway Coupling offers additional safety for your car fueling station. The breakaway is installed between the dispenser and the filling hose resp. filling and venting hose.

In the event of accidental deployment, e.g. driving a vehicle from the dispenser with the nozzle remaining in the vehicle fuel port, the coupling will separate the connections between dispenser and hose sealing both ends. This protects largely the receptacle, the fueling nozzle and the dispenser against damage. The detached coupling can be easily reattached and placed back in service after having been function tested.

The integrated filter provides clean hydrogen and is easy to maintain.

The WEH® Breakaway Coupling consists of a coupling body, a receptacle insert and a gas recirculation with check valve. The breakaway is also available without gas recirculation.

The TSA1 H2 for fueling nozzles with data interface additionally contain a dispenser mounting incl. data cable for the data interface.

On request we also offer complete nozzle-hose-assemblies consisting of a fueling nozzle, a hose set and a breakaway coupling.

Campo di pressione
PN = 35 MPa | PS = 45 MPa
Media temperature range
TSA1 H2 for TK17 H2 fueling nozzles:
-40 °C up to +85 °C
TSA1 H2 for TK16 H2 fueling nozzles:
-20 °C up to +85 °C
Ambient temperature range
-40 °C fino a +85 °C
Forza di distacco
222 - 667 N
Acciaio inox antiruggine, alluminio
Materiali delle guarnizioni
Restistenti al idrogeno
Depending on design:
With filter (20 μm or 40 μm)
With or without gas recirculation
With or without dispenser mounting
With dispenser mounting and data cable
(only versions for fueling nozzles with data interface)
  • Valvola di ritegno sulla tubazione di spurgo
  • Installazione sul distributore
  • Filtro lavabile integrato (40 μm)
  • Nessun attrezzo supplementare
  • Riutilizzabile senza riparazione in officina
  • Struttura piccola e compatta

Breakaway coupling for H2 car fueling stations for direct installation at the dispenser.

File CAD
Scheda tecnica
Istruzioni operative
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