WEH® Mandrino di rifornimento TK24 CNG - Famiglia di prodotti

per rifornimento veloce di bus / autocarri 

The WEH® TK24 CNG Fuelling Nozzle combines user comfort with maximum convenience.

The integrated WEH® TK22 CNG Fuelling Nozzle features ‘push-to-connect’ jaw locking system which automatically moves the grip sleeve back when making a connection. The ergonomic design of the handle enables an easy connection to the receptacle. This feature can help to prevent stresses on the high pressure hose and hose damage due to chafing on the ground.

Refuelling starts after opening the integrated ball valve. Closing the ball valve finishes refuelling and the integrated gas recirculation automatiaclly depressurizes the system. The nozzle can then be disconnected by pulling back the grip sleeve of the TK22 CNG.

The WEH® TK24 CNG is also available without gas recirculation. The extended construction of the integrated WEH® TK22 CNG fuelling nozzle helps in refuelling difficult-to-access receptacles. WEH® jaws grip symmetrically, avoiding damage to the receptacle profile which could result in leakage.

Diametro nominale (DN)
5 mm
Campo di pressione
P30HD secondo ANSI NGV1 / C200 secondo ISO 14469
PN = 200 bar | PS = 300 bar
P36HD secondo ANSI NGV1 / C250 secondo ISO 14469
PN = 250 bar | PS = 350 bar
Campo di temperatura
-40 °C fino a +85 °C
Materiali delle guarnizioni
Resistenti al gas metano
Con rivestimento di isolamento termico in materiale sintetico, valvola a sfera integrato e sistema di recupero del gas
Circa 2,7 kg (sin recupero del gas) o circa 3,4 kg (con recupero del gas)
  • Protezione antiurto codificata per colore (200 bar nera)
  • Compatibile con le valvole di carica NGV1 e ISO 14469
  • Disegno ergonomico
  • Inclinazione impugnatura 90°
  • Materiali di alta qualità
  • Valvola di non ritorno integrata
  • Impugnatura isolato termicamente
  • Azionamento Push-Pull
  • Versione con e senza recupero del gas
  • Meccanismo a pinze segmentate WEH®

Fuelling nozzle for CNG fast filling of buses and trucks (also for slowfill refuelling) to be used with WEH® Receptacles acc. to NGV1 standard and ISO 14469. Operation only by specially trained service personnel. Not for self-service operation!

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